Female Soccer Conference
04. – 09. Dec 2019 – Berlin
Female soccer empowerment Conference
From 4. – 9. December 2019 DISCOVER FOOTBALL has welcomed 10 „Young Leaders (between 18-29 years old and actively involved in women’s football)“ and 10 „Senior Activists (from 30 years old and carrying many years of experience in her field of work)“ to Berlin for a mentoring conference.
How to enable non-discriminatory access for girls and womxn to play football worldwide?
The 20 participants have learned new training methods and strategies in order to better establish women’s and girls‘ football in their associations / communities. This will enable them to make progress in football with their teams, on the one hand, and to improve the conditions of their associations’ structure, on the other hand.
With this conference we brought together women committed to the idea of football as an emancipatory tool, aiming to share experiences and build strategies as well as a common voice to advance women’s football and women’s rights.
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