
We use football as a tool to advocate for a world in which women can engage in sports without being discriminated against for any reason.

Strengthening women in and through football worldwide!


We use football as a tool to advocate for a world in which women can engage in sports without being discriminated against for any reason.

Strengthening women in and through football worldwide!

Who We Are

DISCOVER FOOTBALL is the world's leading network using football as a tool to advocate for a world in which women can engage in sports without being discriminated against for any reason.

We are a Berlin based NGO founded in 2009. We have two employees and 20 women who are mainly volunteers. We meet in a plenary session every two weeks. 

What We Do

DISCOVER FOOTBALL organizes international exchanges, conferences, workshops and tournaments where women and girls develop skills and share knowledge that will help them to gain autonomy, mobility and power.

Through our events, we give women worldwide a platform to share and improve their experiences, skills and energy in women’s football.

What We Stand For

DISCOVER FOOTBALL uses football as a tool to advocate for a world in which girls and women can do sports without being discriminated against for any reason. We support and make women in sports visible.

We advocate for more women and female role models in sports, for justice and gender equality on and off the football pitch.

Latest Events


Kostenlose Sporttage für Mädchen zwischen 6 und 12 Jahren

12. Juni 2024, 14.00 – 18.00 Uhr am Spielwagen im Görlitzer Park

14. Juni 2024, 14.00 – 18.00 Uhr in einer Geflüchteten Unterkunft in Treptow

16. Juni 2024, 13.00 – 17.30 Uhr bei Sport 365 im Görlitzer Park

19. Juni 2024, 09.00 – 14.00 Uhr beim Schüler:innenkongress zur EM in Moabit

Anmeldungen bitte an:

"For me it is the best feeling of the world to step on a football pitch every day. I prefer a football game, played with the entire heart than a goal without passion."

Yunelsis Rodriguez Baez – Head Coach of Women’s Soccer in Cuba and Coach of the National Women’s Soccer Team Cuba

Our Projects

Here you will find an overview of our projects.
We implement our events with the help of volunteers.

Promoting gender equality through football in North Lebanon - 2020
Female Soccer & Empowerment Conference - 2019
Sport Disrupted: Sex_uality matters Berlin - 2019
Our Bodies, Our Rights, Our Game - Festival in Goa - 2017
Our Bodies, Our Rights, Our Game - Festival in Goa - 2017
Women's football in South East & East Asia Conference - 2017
Campaign - Moving Perspective - Brazil 2014

Areas of Expertise

We use a multi-layered approach to promote visibility of women and female role models in football, to support exchanges and the fight for a discrimination-free access to sport for women & girls.

International Tournaments

Seminars & Conferences

Discover Football on Tour

Action Campaigns

Networking and Advocating

Exhibition, Research, Publications

Committees, Juries and Alliances

Local Commitment

It needs a team to win a game. We thank our sponsors for their support.

Get in Touch With Us

You would like to support us or volunteer? Then contact us and write us your request.

You want to play football?

If you want to play football, you can check out our football club, DFC Kreuzberg!