Developing sports programs for female refugees
December 2016 and January 2017
Conference: Developing sports programs for female refugees
During our 3 training blocks in December 2016 and January 2017, about 45 participants learned more about what soccer has to do with gender and how a sports program for refugee women and girls could look like in practice. They dealt with racism, critical whiteness and new strategies. In an exchange with refugee women and with other committed and interested multipliers, concrete ideas were developed on how women and girls can be better reached.
The goal of the training was to develop individual concepts for the implementation of a sports programme for refugee women and girls in cooperation with refugees.
International expertise: At each training block, an expert from our international women’s soccer network was invited and presented herself and her work from Libya, Palestine and South Africa, among others.
Target group of the conference: Those involved in sports and/or refugee assistance, e.g. trainers*, volunteers from sports clubs and associations, teachers, social workers etc.
The coference was open to all interested parties and was mainly aimed at women. Interested men could only register for the date in January 2017.
The focus of the training
- Knowledge about the design of a sports offer for refugee girls and women.
- Concept development for the implementation of an own sports offer for refugee women or girls.
- Gender sensitivity and diversity competence in sports
- Dealing with racism/critical whiteness
- Exchange with refugee women* on sports offers and development of specific needs
- Concrete ideas and support for implementing the ideas in one’s own context
- Networking with other committed people
The results of the conference were documented in a handbook: Download here